So I've moved on from 11,500 words to 14,000. Since this has been the work of two lunch breaks, an evening and a couple of hours this afternoon I can't help but feel it should be more! At least the writing gods are with me. At 2pm a very convenient power cut at work meant I got to go home! Many thanks to the building site across the road. I'm assuming they were responsible, although the shops in the high street were probably less impressed. I didn't think I'd get anything done this evening (due to scary football match) but my early exit meant I got some extra hours.
The main time thief over the next few days is likely to be holiday planning. Virgin have some cheap flights to Washington DC (until tomorrow night if you're interested!) and we've been promising a friend in Toronto to visit her for at least the last 5 years. Looks like we're finally going in June. This does mean my final editing before the conference is likely to be done in Canada, but surely that will work...
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That was a fortuitous power cut. Maybe you could arrange with the gods (builders) to schedule in a few more?;-)
You're doing well and safe at the moment from pointy prods.
I'm definitely safe from the pointy stick. I seem to be on 17,000 not 14,000, told you maths wasn't my strong point!
A few more power cuts would be lovely. They're building a new shopping centre, must be loads of opportunities for them to cut through cables again!
Roll on more power cuts! Not at home though, obviously :o)
Karen - no, definitely not! The advantages of living 35 miles from work. Lots of people from work went home to dark houses :-) I'm so mean!
Lol at your last comment, Denise. The word verification for this post is 'remaynat'. Very apt. About the editing: why not try doing a quick edit of your previous session before you start writing. I find it works well - it gives me a quick recap of the story too.
How's the first person going? I'm finding the odd sentence slips in where I've obviously lost concentration, and those pesky speech tags - I'm using them, but very sparingly. 17k words is fantastic!
Final editing in Canada sounds like a brilliant plan!
Annie - those speech tags are slowly driving me loopy! I'm also finding 1st person takes a lot of concentration, I just drift into 3rd so easily!
Helen - sounds like a great idea, whether or not it really is!
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