Thursday, 24 July 2008

Time thief

Just what have I been doing for the last couple of weeks? So I haven't been blogging, hmm, 5th of July you say? I really don't seem to have done that much writing, despite the appeal of my very own (nearly finished!) writing room, and the briefest of glances at house/garden demonstrate my absence there. I think I have a time thief...

No, really. It's the only logical explanation. I go to work, come home, eat dinner and then suddenly it's time to go to bed. I'm sure I used to get things done in the interim. There may have been the occasional evening trip to a pub, but I'm still down a good few days. I wonder what a time thief looks like? Strange gnarled creature or just a bodyless entity that floats through the house and swipes your evening in a single pass? I fear I may have to start paying more attention to where I spend my time. I may even have to order that book that Jane mentioned in her Writing magazine column a couple of months back. Something to do with not wasting your life writing emails to your friends and watching crap tv. Hmm, maybe I'll order it next month. Or something to read on holiday perhaps... which is months away...

I really should have a picture of my new shiny desk in a gleaming room, with tasteful wooden blind in the background. However, it's not quite there yet, I seem to be repeating myself. Next post! I have at least got over the trauma of buying the desk and sofa bed from Ikea. Two trips to Wembley in 2 days. Just don't do it, shudder.


HelenMWalters said...

Can't wait to see the writing room, and I know what you mean about the time thief!

Anonymous said...

I can tell you exactly what the time thief looks like. It's a large rectangular box, often on a stand, with a glass screen and lots of wires coming out of it. Stephen King calls it "the great glass tit" and says to beware of its distracting and mind-numbing abilities.

I've made a rule for myself: no TV until after 6pm!
If I was working, I'd make that 9pm.

Anonymous said...

Yes time seems to fly by when it is time for yourself...not so much when you are looking after two demanding little people in the holidays!!
Cant wait to see your writing room! Lucky you. x

Karen said...

I'm doing a lot of overtime at work, until the end of August, and it's getting harder to fit everything else in. The Time Thief should be arrested immediately.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Why is it that the Time Thief only appears when out of the office.

Looking forward to seeing the writing room.

Denise said...

Helen - I'm beginning to think the time thief doesn't have a physical form, despite what Captain says!

Captain - Nooooooo.

MotherX - I have the same problem at work!

Karen - Good idea. I'll report the time thief to the police just as soon as we work out what it looks like...

Debs - Won't be nearly as impressive as your shed!

Fiona Mackenzie. Writer said...

I love your vision of the time thief!
If only he had an alter ego who could give time back.

Annieye said...

Kev is right. The TV is a big time thief. So are kids, dogs, life, work, hubbies, friends, blogging, e-mails, eating, sleeping, housework ....

The secret is to say to yourself 'I will write from ... to ... today and nothing will stop me. Then do it. No distractions.

(But I don't always practise what I preach!)

Anonymous said...

Have a nice weekend! Im back!! The Tudors tonight...YES! xxx

Lars Shalom said...


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Hope you have a great holiday. xx