Thursday, 22 May 2008

Well, it's almost my birthday.

I should be writing, but I've been distracted by the tempting prospect of planning a day out tomorrow for my birthday! So far my very grown up plans include the Doctor Who exhibition at Earl's court, the new Indiana Jones film and Vinopolis (only slightly more grown up wine tasting). Haven't decided on an order for these events, what time we're going or even quite how to get there, although perhaps the wine drinking should come last...

Anywhere, the fuzzy pictures are of my new, early birthday present friends!
None of them have names, which apparently is a requirement. S has this theory that the un-named animals disappear because we won't know who they are to miss them...

Hope you all have a great bank holiday weekend!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Have a great day tomorrow.

Karen said...

Happy Birthday for tomorrow! Will you be taking your, er, friends out with you??

Fiona Mackenzie. Writer said...

Want one!!!

You have a lovely birthday and if those new pets of you ever need a pet sitter...

Lane Mathias said...

Happy Birthday Denise!

What are those little fellows up to in the first photo?:-)

Hope you've had a fabby dabby day (with a good old bout of wine tasting!)

Denise said...

Captain - thank you. I had a fab day.

Karen - Sadly they're under-age and wouldn't have been allowed!

Fiona - Don't go near Paperchase, or you may come out with several new friends...

Lane - I can't think what you mean! Vinopolis was great, I can even remember enjoying myself tasting 6 wines, 3 champagnes, 3 premium wines and a bombay saphire cocktail...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day Denise! XX

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Hope you had a fun birthday.
